Post Scrip: The ASPL Pharmacy Law Podcast

S2E8 - Todd A. Nova, J.D. | Post-Scrip: The ASPL Pharmacy Law Podcast

American Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL) Season 2 Episode 8

In this episode of Post-Scrip, Henry introduces  Todd A. Nova, J.D. Henry and Todd discuss the upcoming Current Trends in Retail & Specialty Pharmacy Pricing Compliance: Balancing Opportunity and Risk.

The role that retail and specialty pharmacies play in the healthcare delivery system continues to increase in importance as the drug product pipeline continues its inexorable shift to more self-administered and home-infused drugs. This shift has not gone unnoticed by various pharmacy industry stakeholders.

 The speakers will also address related compliance investigation considerations, including the process for initiating and conducting compliance reviews under the attorney/client privilege and best practices for ongoing monitoring.

Join us at the 34th annual conference:  Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar , November 2-5, 2023 in San Antonio, Texas