Post Scrip: The ASPL Pharmacy Law Podcast

S2E7 - Marty Allain, JD | Post-Scrip: The ASPL Pharmacy Law Podcast

American Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL) Season 2 Episode 7

In this episode of Post-Scrip, Henry introduces  Marty Allain, JD. Henry and Marty discuss the upcoming Emerging Pharmacy Practice Innovation - A Regulatory and Legal Obstacle Course.

The session will discuss the emergence of new and non-traditional pharmacy business models that challenge current regulations and supporting legal foundations. Such models are often funded by venture capitalists and led by entrepreneurs who have been successful in other areas and view the pharmacy environment as a similar opportunity. 

Speakers Edward McGinley and Marty Allain have worked with a number of such start-ups and will share with participants their experiences with these new pharmacy strategies and efforts to bring technological and innovative operations to pharmacy. Inherent to the discussion will be the legal and regulatory requirements that serve as needed safeguards and, at times, barriers to change and implementation. Those attending the session will gain a better understanding of changes that are occurring within pharmacy practice and the impact of such changes on existing practices and legal and regulatory requirements.

Join us at the 34th annual conference:  Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar , November 2-5, 2023 in San Antonio, Texas